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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'A-Team, The (1999)' gave the following results:

17 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
10 matches in composers
  1. The Track Team
  2. Sound Team JDK
  3. Atlus Sound Team
  4. IREM Sound Team
  5. Taito Sound Team
  6. Namco Sound Team
  7. Capcom Sound Team
  8. Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.
  9. KCE Japan Sound Team
  10. Taito Sound Team ZUNTATA

1813 matches in tracks
  1. Space: 1999 no Thema (Theme From Space: 1999) (03:10)
    from Space: 1999
    Sung by Tsunehiko Kamijô. Arranged by Chikara Ueda.
  2. Space: 1999 End Titles (00:34)
    from Space: 1999
    Disc 1: Space: 1999 Year One - Music by Barry Gray (except noted)
  3. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Ennio Morricone Collection: Time Of Adventure
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  4. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from C'era Una Volta Il West
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  5. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Allonsanfan
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  6. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Only One Survived
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  7. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Ad Ogni Costo
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  8. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Avventuriero, L'
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  9. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Umanoide, L'
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  10. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  11. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Proprietà Non è Più Un Furto, La
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  12. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Secret Of The Sahara, The
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  13. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Dove Vai In Vacanza?
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  14. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Stato Interessante
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  15. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
    from "Spazio : 1999"
  16. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Ennio Morricone Collection: Time Of Adventure
    from "Spazio 1999"
  17. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from C'era Una Volta Il West
    from "Spazio 1999"
  18. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Allonsanfan
    from "Spazio 1999"
  19. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Only One Survived
    from "Spazio 1999"
  20. Space 1999 (04:20)
    from Ad Ogni Costo
    from "Spazio 1999"
Show all 1813 matching tracks